Introduction to 3D Environments

Never used 3D before? We got you covered in this guide.

Edvard Ødegaard

Last Update há um ano

3D Virtual Spaces

In MegaMinds, people come together in 3D online spaces to teach, learn, and collaborate.

Rooms run in your browser like a normal website, and they are persistent and accessible by anyone in any location and on any device.

Rooms are shared via a link or PIN code. This may be familiar from other virtual meeting software or programs such as Kahoot.


An avatar is a digital character or representation of a user in a virtual room. It allows users to interact with each other, navigate the virtual room, and participate in learning activities.

Avatars can be customized to reflect the user's personality or preferences, making the online experience more engaging and immersive.

Here is an example where Edvard is in a room represented as an avatar:


Users create rooms where they can deliver synchronous or asynchronous presentations using multimedia resources such as PDFs, YouTube videos, 3D objects, audio, images, GIFs and more.

Other users can join in and actively participate and engage with the content, creating a more collaborative and visually stimulating experience compared to conventional presentation methods.

Below is an example of a room with an image placed in the middle of a virtual chalkboard:


The dashboard is a user-friendly interface designed for teachers to manage and organize their virtual rooms. It helps you create engaging experiences, monitor user activity and performance, view assessments and assigned work, and maintain a seamless learning or presentation experience.


Users can assign individual rooms to others as a creation space. It’s an opportunity for personalized, inquiry-based learning, and where users can problem solve, demonstrate knowledge, and express themselves. Rooms can be assigned to small groups or individuals as projects.

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